A Ugandan Bishop Demolished His Church Without Informing Members & Elders saying it's a revelation from God

A bizarre incident has been reported in our neighboring country Uganda concerning a church bishop who woke up and instructed the demolition of his church. As reported by 'Daily Monitor' this bishop did not notify any church member or elders concerning his intentions.

He just woke and ordered that the whole building be brought down without even minding the cost which the whole structured was brought to a stand. The church which hosted over 2000 congregants had been built for so long and even church members claimed that it took them so long before they could now officially start worshipping in the place.
They complained saying that maybe the bishop does not feel pain because he did not contribute even a shilling from his pocket when they were fundraising for the church to be built and that is why he does not feel pain for doing whatever he has done.
When the bishop was asked about his acts, he said that he had been praying for the past few days and he got a vision from God. The bishop claimed that the vision revealed that people in the church have got no future and there is no need of that structure so they better demolish. The elders have forwarded the case in court and they will finish everything with the judges.

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